The ISO International Standardisation Organisation (International Standardisation Organisation )(International Standardisation Organisation ) 16140 series is dedicated to the validation and verification of microbiological methods. These International Standards are designed to help food and feed testing laboratories, test kit manufacturers, competent authorities, and food and feed business operators to implement microbiological methods.
Detailed information about the ISO 16140 series, and the necessary stages of validation and verification of methods before use, can be found on the website of ISO/TC 34/SC 9 Food products – Microbiology:

link to website ISO/TC34/SC9(externe link) 

To facilitate the implementation of the ISO 16140 series and especially ISO 16140-3:2021 ‘Method verification’, the following supporting materials are available at the bottom of the ISO/TC34 Technical Committee 34 on Feed and Food products (Technical Committee 34 on Feed and Food products )(Technical Committee 34 on Feed and Food products )/SC9 Subcommittee 9 on microbiology (Subcommittee 9 on microbiology )(Subcommittee 9 on microbiology ) webpage: 
•    Presentation: Overview of the ISO 16140 series – standards for validation and verification of microbiology methods
•    Presentation: Overview of ISO 16140-3 ‘Method verification’ – improving confidence in laboratory results 
•    Presentation: “Deep dive” into ISO 16140-3 ‘Method verification’ – an extended training for improving confidence in laboratory results
•    Excel-calculation tool ISO 16140-3:2021 for assistance on statistics 
•    Recording of the Webinar on 2 March 2021 ‘Publication of ISO 16140-3 ‘Method verification’ – improving confidence in laboratory results’